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Created in 2016, fmovies.to has been steadily growing and building its reputation among cinema freaks. Streaming sites come and go, but Fmovies still stays strong, mostly thanks to the support from our millions of users who have chosen us as their safe and reliable site to watch movies and TV shows online free. It is not exaggerated to say we are one of the most popular streaming sites you can find on the Internet.
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123movies used to dominate the video streaming world back in 2016. However, since its shutdown in 2018, the site has lost its thrown. 123movies is still available via clone sites but it is hard to tell which one is real, and which is scammy and fake. To avoid all those headaches, stay with Fmovies instead! We have been operating via fmovies.to since 2016 and once you are here, you know you’ve found the real fmovies that everyone is talking about.
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Unfortunately, fmovies is banned in some regions. However, you can still use a VPN to access the site and stay completely anonymous.
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Since 2016, Fmovies has been a safe and reliable place for movie enthusiasts to enjoy free movies and TV shows as well as discuss with each other ideas and opinions in the comment section below each video. No unsafe site can survive that long and earn that much support from the community. Therefore, we are confident to say Fmovies is completely safe to use as long as you take precautions. For your safety, please have a VPN and AdBlock extension on whenever you visit us. And here are the reasons why we are worth the extra effort.
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